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Saturday 13 July 2013

Weekend Game.

As well as having regular Thursday night games, we have weekend games when the opportunity arises, two or three times a year. These weekend games have ranged from three games over two days in three different houses, through two or three games in a day, to one large game.

A couple of weeks ago, we had the chance of a Saturday of gaming. Unfortunately, Aidan thought a family wedding was more important! That left just me and Rick. We decided to do a 28mm VBCW game on Rick's 6 x 4 four set up, using the same figures as the recent VBCW game at mine. We would top off the day by doing two Combat Commander scenarios.

Aerial view of the games table. The Scottish Republic forces enter from the top left. This was taken during the game. All photos are courtesy of Rick (I left my camera at home).

The scenario involved a Republic patrol stopping and questioning a tramp. He reported strange goings on at a nearby 'foreign gentleman's' house. At this point Rick gave me some options around whether to wait for back up or go now and whether I was going to approach cross country or along the road.

I decided to approach cross country and meet my back-up after asessing the information. The patrol appeared on the table and almost immediately came across some defended buildings with some kind of activity with trucks. Moving on to the high ground to get a better view, they encounter and defeat a BUF machine gun which would have been in ambush position had I approached along the road.

This set off a hornet's nest, with BUF troops at the nearby roadblock returning fire, as did the men with the trucks. This drove the patrol back off the hill. They turned their attention to the courtyard and the trucks, Following a firefight and an assault, the courtyard was taken, but the two trucks had been loaded and moved off.

By this time,the back up, in the form of a small light tank and a section of territorials in trucks appeared. They overwhelmed the troops at the roadblock, although one brave soul attempted to close assault the tanks. The trucks take a cross country route to avoid the tank.

His attack on the tank unsuccessful, the last BUF survivor is captured and led away. The tank has worked around the road block. It opens fire on the one remaining truck, the other having been stopped by infantry fire. There must have been something combustible in the back as the truck exploded!

This was a really enjoyable game. Rick ran the scenario with more than a hint of roleplay. For another view of the game see
This game took four hours and was very relaxing. We used Fubar rules.

The two Combat Commander scenarios played were Sea Devils, the German attack on the Grain Elevator at Stalingrad, with the arrival of Russian naval infantry. In a wonderfully tense and back and forth game, so typical of this wonderful game, The Germans overan my hard pressed Russians to take an instant victory by holding the three objective hexes in the Grain Elevator. Here is an AAR from BoardgameGeek that someone else did for this scenario, to give you an idea of what was involved .

We also played Bessarabian Nights II. This was an anti partisan scenario from the original game, but updated for the Resistance battlepack and rules. The Partisans won this one too!

All in all we both had a good day. A very welcome change to my routine. Roll on the next one!

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