Apologies for the gap in posting. I have been busy. I have built up a backlog of photos and games to blog about. I'll go with the most recent, as I am more likely to remember how the games went! Some of the posts may end up as just acollection of pictures.
This past week I managed two nights of Gaming.
On Wednesday, I took on Del in our latest game of In Her Majesties Name. We played the 'Bad Jack' scenario, involving an escaped mutated lab experiment, with both factions trying to track it down.
The opening positions. |
The Monster. |
The monster escapes. David controlled the monster, it would always attack the nearest figure in sight, until then it moved randomly. |
The monster attacks Del's mutants. The Yard moves round the back of the building. |
Both sides converged. Del's mutants got in first and attacked the monster
The Yard move in, taking fire from Del's supporting characters. |
The Yard firing line moves into close range. The hits, though not killing it, have made the monster go Berserk! |
In the last two moves, some characters are knocked down and one wounded, but subsequently saved by the medical skills of the Good Doctor! |
The game was really enjoyable. It ended up in a great mass melee, with no one gaining the upper hand and suffering no casualties. The monster broke free. It will no doubt make an appearance in future scenarios.
I had not expected to be gaming on Thursday, but Rick's business meeting had been cancelled, so he arranged a couple of boardgames at short notice. We had another go at Trenchzone http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/68387/trenchzone. Rick had acquired the Tactical Advantage expansion.
We used hidden deployment, masked by the game box. |
I set up looking to send an assault down my right flank. I managed to build up my forces and take out Rick's fortifications.
Early stages of the game. Note the Tactical Advantage cards. |
He then launched an attack of his own. His tactical advantage card added extra forces to each attack. As he had destroyed my artillery and most of my pillboxes, he was able to attack my middle trenchzone. He managed to break in, and win the game.
This was more enjoyable than our last attempt, as we had a better understanding of the game. It has a lot or replayability. More importantly, it brings home the futility of this type of warfare.
This game took so long that we were not able to have a go at Manouvre. We did have a go at http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/42898/pocket-battles-celts-vs-romans. , but it was just a quick familiarisation.
A busy two nights gaming.